Erişilebilirlik Araçları

Bir şehrin halk hikayelerini dijitalleştirmek –
Ötekinin bilegliğini paylaşmak

  Proje Tanıtımı

Bu proje, projeye dahil olan şehirlerde (Lefkoşa, Belgrad, Ankara ve Groningen) yaşayan etnik, dini ve ırksal gruplardan halk hikayelerini toplamayı ve dijitalleştirmeyi ve bunları herkes için kolayca erişilebilir ve ücretsiz olarak kullanılabilir hale getirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.



The eLearning platform provides instant access to a full suite of resources including the interactive Toolkit, a self-paced MOOC and demonstrations to support HE faculty to personalise their courses using AI-based and analytics tools.


The LEADER AI Toolkit is an attractive support package for HE staff to advance their professional practices in designing personalised courses (technology-enhanced face-to-face and fully online), by selecting and integrating data-driven and AI-based tools.

Evropska komisija podržala je kreiranje ove internet stranice, ali nije odgovorna za njen sadržaj, koji izražava isključivo stavove autora. Komisija nije odgovorna za korišćenje informacija prezentovanih na internet stranici.

Avrupa Komisyonu'nun bu web sitesinin hazırlanmasına verdiği destek, sadece yazarların görüşlerini yansıtan içeriklerin onaylandığı anlamına gelmez ve Komisyon burada yer alan bilgilerin herhangi bir şekilde kullanılmasından sorumlu tutulamaz.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Η υποστήριξη της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής για την παραγωγή του παρόντος δικτυακού τόπου δεν συνιστά έγκριση του περιεχομένου, το οποίο αντανακλά τις απόψεις μόνο των συντακτών, και η Επιτροπή δεν μπορεί να θεωρηθεί υπεύθυνη για οποιαδήποτε χρήση των πληροφοριών που περιέχονται σε αυτόν. De steun van de Europese Commissie voor de productie van deze publicatie houdt geen goedkeuring van de inhoud in die alleen de mening van de auteurs weerspiegelt, en de Commissie kan niet verantwoordelijk worden gehouden voor enig gebruik dat van de informatie in deze publicatie wordt gemaakt.
Proje Numarası: 2022-1-NL01-KA220-HED-000090175

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